• Woolen Carpet Tiles
  • Woolen Carpet Tiles

Woolen Carpet Tiles

Adabrak, Sobukwe LN. 32

₵9.00 (Fixed)

Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes


This is a modernized woolen carpet which has got fixed size of 50by50cm~Sq.It is sound proof,slip-free, fire proof and has got long lasting duration for more than 10years. 

Colors can easily be switched or swap at anytime,water can’t penetrate,wet part can easily be removed for dry~up and can be fixed back very easily. It is easy to carry about and can be used on the floor(Church ground ,Class rooms, Conference rooms,Hall etc.)not considering the ground works. No movement will be seen when the carpet is fixed.

Mention KYLOSHOP when calling seller to get a good deal


Adabrak, Sobukwe LN. 32
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